Most frequent questions and answers for VireXbuster users

VireXbuster® is extremely easy to use. Just spray the product on the surface to be treated. The nozzle has to be about 20 cm from the surface and you just hoover the nozzle above the surface.

Wear protective goggles and a spray painting mask.

The formula developed by DaXem’s scientists dries very quickly. Already after 60 minutes the surface can be touched. In case of applications where the surface undergoes a lot of friction, however, it is suggested to wait 12 hours.

VireXbuster® Spray has been tested by the independent lab dermatest GmbH  on human skin. The results are that it is very safe and non-harmful for human skin.

VireXbuster® is suitable for virtually every surface. DaXem’s scientists have found out that only on glass surfaces VireXbuster® Spray may cause the so-called ‘haze effect’.

VireXbuster® is extremely easy to use. Just spray the product on the surface to be treated. The nozzle has to be about 20 cm from the surface and you just hoover the nozzle above the surface.

Wear protective goggles and a spray painting mask.

The formula developed by the DaXem’s scientists dries very quickly. Already after 60 minutes the surface can be touched, in case of applications where the surface undergoes a lot of friction, however, we suggest to wait 12 hours.

When VireXbuster® is sprayed on a surface that undergoes little friction it is active for up to 12 months. If the surface is touched and scrubbed many times a day (like a door-nob)  DaXem’s scientists suggest treating the surface every 4-6 weeks.

VireXbuster® Spray contains solvents like every paint does, and therefore it is mandatory to wear a mask for spraying paints when spraying it onto the substrates.